The Biocene Foundation offers support to the organizations and individuals enacting solutions to the ecological crisis.

Our work aims to go beyond financial contributions, though grants comprise a large part of our efforts. Foundation is a multi-layered word, often used to describe the lowest, load-bearing part of a building.

As such, we seek to help bear the load. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual burn-out for climate scientists and activists is as real of a challenge as the the ecological issues they study. Support looks like witnessing and celebrating their work through storytelling and looking for ways to actively collaborate in their efforts.

Foundation also means an underlying basis or principle. This, too, is part of our work. The word biocene comes from biocenosis, a term describing the integral connections of different organisms forming an ecological community.

Our hope is to help create a world in which humans feel and act more fully integrated into the diverse environmental habitats we call home. For many of us, this shift requires a fundamental re-thinking of our place in the world, where we view ourselves as intimately part of ecological systems, not separate or superior to them.

You can learn more about our foundational beliefs here. To connect, send us an email at